Neil and Jamie both received Yeshua as Savior and Lord in 1973, and God made them “One” in the Messiah. He took two teachers – one male, one female; one Jewish, one non-Jewish – gave them a common vision, and called them as a couple to teach the Word and minister the love of God in a Jewish way. They began the ministry of “Love Song to the Messiah” in 1978 to share the Good News with the Jewish people and to teach the Church about its Jewish roots.
Passover and the Rent Veil
Monday, 01 April 2024
Dear Friends in Messiah, Passover and the Rent Veil The Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified and rose from the dead on biblical Jewish feast days, Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev. 23:5-11). At that time, there was no such holiday as “Easter” nor a day named “Good Friday.” What happened? The Roman Emperor
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But God . . .
Friday, 01 March 2024
Shalom B’Shem Yeshua, “BUT GOD…” It is hard to believe that on March 25, 2019, my beloved Rabbi Neil Abraham Lash was promoted to Glory. Five years ago! It was Purim that year, and the holiday falls close this year—March 23-24, 2024. I wonder if Neil can see from heaven the present, tragic, historic reality
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Thursday, 01 February 2024
Dearly Beloved in Messiah, Blood Our thoughts turn toward LOVE every February, as the U.S. celebrates Valentine’s Day on the 14th, even though many have no idea what real love is. God is Love (I Jn. 4:8). He proved it by sending His only Son to earth to die for the sins of mankind. Yeshua’s
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Where Is The Beauty?
Monday, 01 January 2024
Shalom in 2024, Where is the Beauty? (For Adult Eyes Only) Since October 7, 2023, our eyes and ears have seen and heard the unbelievable. Our minds have had to process the unthinkable. Savage, barbaric, inhuman violence (hamas in Hebrew) and cruelty in our day? The war begun in Israel by Hamas on the final
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One God, Many Names
Friday, 01 December 2023
Holiday Blessings in Messiah, One God, Many Names The God of the Universe, God of Creation, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is so Big, so Powerful, so Majestic, so Eternally Great, that He cannot be described by only one name. In Hebrew thought names reveal essence, character, or destiny. A many-faceted God of love
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Wednesday, 01 November 2023
Dear Thankful Friends, Perseverance Perseverance appears to be God’s chosen word for November. While the word itself does not occur in the Tanakh (Old Covenant Scriptures), it is demonstrated throughout the Bible and strongly emphasized in the Brit Hadashah (New Covenant Scriptures). Perseverance is defined as continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties,
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Dwelling: The Essence of Sukkot
Sunday, 01 October 2023
Chag Sameach (KHAG sah-MAY-AKH)—Joyful Feast! Robbed of Our Roots! I was robbed at the end of August. Thank God it was not at gunpoint, and I was not involved in person, but all my credit cards, driver’s license, condominium ID, car keys, house keys, Medicare, AARP cards, etc. were stolen. It happened at Panera Bread while I was fixing
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All About Water
Friday, 01 September 2023
Chag Sameach (KHAG sah-MAY-AKH)—Joyful Feast! God Speaks as the Shofar Sounds The shofar, or ram’s horn of God’s people Israel, has been sounded daily this year from August 16, 2023, until September 15, 2023, calling Jews worldwide to repentance. Have you heard it? The sound of the shofar has been connected with the voice of God since the giving
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The Tyranny of Self
Tuesday, 01 August 2023
Shalom B’Shem Yeshua, The Tyranny of Self When Sheryl (dear friend and administrator of Jewish Jewels) and I took a cruise that Neil had planned before his homegoing and Covid, we came face to face with the present reality of II Timothy 3:1-4: “But understand this, that in the last days hard times will come—
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All About Water
Monday, 03 July 2023
Dear Mishpochah in Yeshua, All About Water The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) has been speaking to me lately a lot about WATER, a very important—but not often recognized—topic in the Holy Scriptures. (The Hebrew word for water is mayim מים MAH-yeem). If we look at the Hebrew word picture for water, it consists of three
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