The celebration of Purim this year will begin on the evening of March 19. The book of Esther will be read in the Synagogue and children will dress up in costumes. Every little girl wants to be Esther and every little boy wants to be Mordecai. Everyone will BOO loudly whenever the name of Haman is mentioned in an attempt to obliterate this arch enemy of the Jewish people. Some will even write his name in chalk on the bottom of their shoes so that as they walk his name will be blotted out. There is a special food associated with Purim just as there is for most Jewish holidays. It is called Hamentashen and is Yiddish for Haman’s (BOO) pockets. These delicious little triangular pastries are filled with various fruit preserves. Jamie and Tante Rose baked some in our kitchen for our Purim television program some years ago. The recipe is simple and the end product is delicious. You can find the recipe at on the “Recipe” page. ENJOY!
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