I don’t know about you, but I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a thought from God that just won’t go away. I usually try to tell God that I will write it down in the morning. I got away with that several times, but when morning came, I couldn’t remember what the message was. I don’t seem to have any choice anymore. Lately, I just lie there awake, tossing and turning, with the thought going over and over in my mind until I finally get out of bed and write it down.
That’s what happened two nights ago. I got up in the middle of the night and wrote it down. I completely forgot about it the next morning, and just discovered it now, two and a half days later. This was the first time I ever remember it ending up as a poem.
Nothing ever changes but me.
God doesn’t change.
God’s Word doesn’t change.
God’s nature doesn’t change.
Somewhere along life, I change.
I change from being a son of perdition into a son of adoption.
I change from being a stubborn, self willed sinner, into a worshipper of God.
From a hell-bent creation of God into a loving, serving, adoring, praiser of the Author of Creation.
I love you Abba.
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