Geshem B’rakhot: Showers of Blessing
Sunday, 29 December 2013
December 2013 Thank you Jewish Jewels Family for the $96,600 in donations and Love Baskets that went to Israel this year! Shalom Shalom in the Prince of Peace! Geshem B’rakhot: Showers of Blessing As all Israel awaited the fall rains to begin, a sign of God’s blessing and gracious provision, our 2013 Jewish Jewels Mercy
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters
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Holy, Holy, Holy
Monday, 30 September 2013
There are three Feasts of the Lord (appointed times or moedim: mow-eh-DEEM) that occur each fall season during the Hebrew month of Tishrei. This is the seventh, or holiest, month of the Biblical Jewish calendar year, usually falling in September and October. This year, 2013, all three feasts occur in the same Gregorian calendar month—our month of September.
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters
Thursday, 05 January 2012
Learn to the story of Ruth, a woman of Moab, who became the great grandmother of King David and an ancestor of the Messiah Yeshua. Watch as Ruth’s story is told through music, drama, and interviews. This DVD will bless everyone who has a love for God’s people Israel.
- Published in All TV Programs
The Bible in Our Backyard – Part2
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
by Jamie Lash Our biblical plants are happy this morning, as they bask in the summer sunshine – especially our GRAPEVINE. There are more than seventy references to the “fruitful vine” and grapes in the Holy Scriptures. The men who were sent to spy out the Land promised by God to His People Israel, returned
- Published in Gems from Jamie, Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
me: A “Middle-of-the-night-Poem” by Neil
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a thought from God that just won’t go away. I usually try to tell God that I will write it down in the morning. I got away with that several times, but when morning came, I couldn’t remember
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
Last Night I Dreamt…
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
I had a dream last night about a banquet. The chicken was tough as leather, the gravy on the mashed potatoes was burned, and the green peas were as hard as ball bearings. The people complained and grumbled. The Lord gave Neil the interpretation: 1/5 of the world goes to bed hungry every night. We
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Wisdom from Neil
Saturday, 13 May 2006
Bless the Lord. Receive God’s blessings. Bless others. Blessings In Messiah! B’rakhot: Blessings The Lord is leading us to focus this month on a foundational aspect of Judaism: blessings,b’rakhot in Hebrew (pronounced brah-COAT). While the confines of this newsletter do not allowus to give an in-depth treatment, we want to share some of the most
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters
Saturday, 20 March 2004
It’s time to go up to Zion again— Fall 2004 Mercy Mission! “Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time has come.” ([biblegateway passage=”Psalm 102:13″ display=”Psalm 102:13″]) Blessings in the Lamb! From Purim to Passover Purim is a Jewish holiday based on the Book of
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters
God’s Calendar – September 2002
Saturday, 21 September 2002
Blessings in the Feasts of the Lord! God’s Calendar God was the first one to establish a calendar. The two great lights that He made “to rule the day and the night” (sun and moon, [biblegateway passage=”Genesis 1:16″ display=”Genesis 1:16″]) had an additional purpose: to be “for signs and seasons, and for days and years” (vs.
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters