Last weekend Walid Shoebat spoke at our Messianic congregation. He was was extremely pro-Israel. In the article shown below from the Israel National News, Walid accuses Mosab Hasan Yousef, who is known as “Son of Hamas” in the media, of being a double agent who speaks one message in English and the opposite in Arabic. An Israeli friend of ours forwarded the below article to us with this comment: “I think that this information is true. I also saw on Youtube some statements by Mosab where he says that the land of Israel does not belong to the Jewish people and that they are not chosen by God.” We (Jewish Jewels) were taken in and offered Yousef’s book through our Newsletter. ================================================================================ ‘Son of Hamas’ Denounced as a Phony by Gil Ronen (Israel National News) Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim terrorist who now supports Israel, has accused former Shin Bet agent Mosab Hasan Yousef, author of “Son of Hamas,” of duping his Western audience. Yousef denies the accusations. Shoebat and Yousef are both former Muslims who converted to Christianity. Yousef became a celebrity when he wrote his book, which detailed how he assisted Israeli agents against Hamas. As the son of a high-ranking Hamas official, he had access to real-time information that helped the Shin Bet nab numerous wanted terrorists and saved many Israeli lives. However, Shoebat – a noted author and commentator on the Middle East – claims in an article on hos website that Yousef “has since revealed himself to be more double agent than turncoat.” “Mosab did not convert to what the West would recognize as Christianity, but to a fiery, Palestinian brand of the faith that is vehemently anti-Israel,” he writes. Shoebat uses as evidence two videotapes of interviews Mosab granted to Arabic television channels. The videos, with English translation, can be seen here. (I will try to track down the link and supply it to you.) Speaking on Al-Arabiya, Mosab said: “During my tours in universities and even churches, [I found] the real support for Israel stems from the church in the West. … We need to understand the difference between “revenge” and “resistance” and once the Palestinians do, we will have our victory against Israel. Israel is the problem and as an occupation it needs to end. … There are many ways to do this besides the cowardly explosive operations.” He adds that he “suffered under all the problems of murder and the criminal operations that were carried out by the Israeli occupation against my people, my family, myself, and against humanity.” When Mosab was being interviewed on Christian-Arabic television station Al Hayat, the presenter asked a caller what he would do if he were in Mosab’s position and could prevent dozens of school children from being killed by turning in a Hamas man to Israel. When the caller vacillated, Mosab spoke: If I was in your shoes, you should not report it to Israel. I do not encourage anyone to give information to Israel or collaborate with Israel. If anyone hears me right now and they are in relation to Israeli security I advise them to work for the interest of their own people — number one — and do not work with the [Israeli] enemy against the interest of our people. They should collaborate with the Palestinian Authority only. Mosab’s book is also “littered with factual errors and exaggerations,” Shoebat accused. For example: “Mosab portrays the Jerusalem prison as a center for torture and persecution of Palestinians. The reality is much kinder; each inmate has his own bed and an in-the-cell shower as well. I know this — I was a prisoner there myself. We ate three full meals a day, and drank tea or sweet punch.” Shoebat warns: “Mosab is now touring churches to end Israel’s lifeline. Many Jews and Christians in the West are unable to determine friend from foe in the Mideast; they are not able to read what is said in Arabic. They must seek translations, and must be aware of double agents like Mosab.” Just another example of what Yeshua meant when He said: “…false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24
“Son of Hamas” a phoney?
Jewish Jewels
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Published in
Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
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