UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews’ biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem. The Jewish presence in the so-called “West Bank,” which includes the eastern half of Jerusalem, is “morally and politically unsustainable, and must end,” Ban insisted during a press conference in Uruguay. Meanwhile, the Palestinians are moving forward plans to unilaterally declare an independent state with the support of the UN, outside the framework of a land-for-peace deal with Israel. Many within Israel are urging PM Netanyahu to stop playing the diplomatic game by the Arab world’s rules, and to instead begin insisting the UN approach the peace process from the viewpoint that the West Bank and Jerusalem are disputed territories, where Jews have just as much, if not more, claim than local Palestinian Arabs. An unnamed Israeli official said if the Palestinians seek recognition of their sovereignty in the UN, Israel may annex the parts of the West Bank most populated by Jews – the much-maligned “settlement blocs.” (Israel Today/Ryan Jones) “The Lord Almighty will reign on Mt. Zion and in Jerusalem, and before its elders with great glory.” Is 24:23 (Subscribe at info@innnews.com)
“Surrender… or else!”
Jewish Jewels
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Published in
Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
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