How Did We Get Here?
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
As many of you know, I find much of my information about BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW in the writings of Charles Colson as posted daily on Today’s post discussed the National Debt Debacle that has paralyzed congress and the President. I have personally compared the situation to a family that has maxed out all its credit
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
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The Hand of God Upon the Wedding of Jon and Nancy Lash
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
by Jamie Lash The God of Israel determined to bless our son’s marriage from the time he was born. One of our friends (we’re not sure who it is) sent us a five page colorful “Life long Blessing for Jonathan Isaac Lash” when Jonathan was born. We would like to quote from a small section:
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
“Surrender… or else!”
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews’ biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem. The Jewish presence in the so-called “West Bank,” which includes the eastern half
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters, Wisdom from Neil
Friday, 03 May 2002
Shalom in Yeshua, the Sar Shalom! All Eyes on Iraq As we write this letter during the month of April, the eyes of the world are focused on Iraq, the site of ancient Babylon, the home of a revived Haman spirit of genocide that defies logical explanation. The entire world is able to SEE WAR because of
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters