Shavuot and the Ten Commandments
Tuesday, 01 May 2018
Holiday Blessings in Yeshua, Shavuot, The Feast of Weeks Fifty days after the Feast of Passover, we celebrate Shavuot (Sha-voo-OAT), the Feast of Weeks. It is another of the Lord’s moadim (moe-ah-DEEM), or appointed times, known also as Pentecost and Yom HaBikkurim, the Feast of Firstfruits (of the wheat harvest). “Count fifty days to the
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters
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Shavuot 2017
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Shavuot In biblical times there were three harvest festivals in the Land of Israel. The first was the Omer festival during Passover, when the offering of barley flour was brought to the Temple. Seven weeks later came Shavuot (Pentecost), the festival of the firstfruits (“bikkurim,” pronounced bee-ku-REEM), when the wheat ripened. Finally, there was Sukkot (Tabernacles), the feast of
- Published in Jewels' Blog, Newsletters
Shavuot: The Giving of the Law
Monday, 30 June 2014
Beginning on the evening of June 3, we will celebrate Shavuot, The Feast of Weeks, which is also known as Pentecost. We will be commemorating the “giving of the Law” at Mt. Sinai, and the “giving of the Spirit” on Mt. Zion. God directed the Israelites, “…seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to
- Published in Feast of The Lord, Jewels' Blog, Newsletters